Tag: #eldercare

Communication Adjustments for Dementia: Preserving Dignity

When a loved one is diagnosed with dementia, the term hits hard, and there’s a feeling of not knowing how to move forward. At least, that’s the way I felt when both of my grandparents were diagnosed with two different forms of dementia on the same day. Initially, I thought all hope of communication with…
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Free-Fall or Got it All? Your Choice!

“There are a variety of reasons people don’t plan ahead for their estate or personal care needs: some people get busy, assuming they have lots of time left and they’ll get around to it later; others are superstitious, thinking if they start drafting documents to provide for themselves in the event of the unthinkable, then…
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Options vs. Resources: Elder Care Choices & Their Costs

More than any other aspect of elder care, the area of financial preparation seems to be one of the most difficult to grasp. One reason is because the laws which govern Medicare and Medicaid vary from state to state; they are also subject to frequent change. Often a family’s “ideal” care solution may not be…
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Desirable vs. Practical: The Balancing Act

When it comes to providing care for our loved ones, some of us go to great lengths to ensure as “perfect” a caregiving environment as possible, moving heaven and earth to create the kind of atmosphere we believe they would want. But what happens when what’s “desirable” is outweighed by what’s “practical”? I knew of…
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