Month: May 2023

Quiz Time: What Do You Really Know About Dementia?

I’m working on turning the six chapters of my course, Everything I Wish I Had Known: Caring for a Loved One with Alzheimer’s or Other Dementia, into six individual presentations that I will teach in a seminar-type setting It’s truly my objective to help people understand what dementia is—and what it isn’t—as well as encouraging…
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Relax; You’re Normal!

The sheer exhaustion experienced by a dementia caregiver is hard to quantify. There’s physical exhaustion based on the fact that most of your day is spent actively working to provide the care your loved one needs; this includes dispensing meds, helping them in and out of bed and/or chairs, assisting in the bathroom, preparing meals,…
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Free-Fall or Got it All? Your Choice!

“There are a variety of reasons people don’t plan ahead for their estate or personal care needs: some people get busy, assuming they have lots of time left and they’ll get around to it later; others are superstitious, thinking if they start drafting documents to provide for themselves in the event of the unthinkable, then…
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